On Tuesday I had work and then class and then had to pick up equipment, transport it to my church and then get the hourcar back to it's parking garage all during a very rainy day! On Wednesday I went to work, had to stay late to wait for a delivery, which made me late to class, where I realized I had not finished my project that was due, so during the break I had to fix one thing and then burn it to DVD. But then I screened it and it was well received. After class I went to my church and along with the help of Comrade Landlord and a classmate, filmed an interview for the Stewardship Documentary I'm working on. That night I decided the film I had shown in class wasn't quite right, so I spent some time reworking it and figuring out how to post it to facebook (after writing this I'm going to put it up on my FilmAching blog).
On Thursday I borrowed my aunts car for the day and sent out the newsletter at work, picked up and returned the equipment and went to class. Then I picked up my aunt from work and went out and had some dessert while she had dinner.
Next I went home and watched the latest episode of my new favorite TV show, Kings. It's like a post-modern Shakespearean history. And I really mean POST-modern, because it takes place in a fictitious world, not unlike our own, but I think somewhat post-apocalyptic. Anyway, I love the drama, and the "fools" played by the two guards are very Gildenstern and Rosenkrantz-like.
Anyway, this morning we did a sound recording in my sound for image class, and now I am blogging. SO there! that's my week!
remember to check out my video! And I will post pictures from Seattle soon, I promise!